Winds of Change

Documentary Film

Produced and directed by Alistair Meharg (Helical Productions), “Winds of Change” follows the inspiring journey of Olympian and IOC Young Leader Sophia Papamichalopoulos from Cyprus as she embarks on a bold mission: sailing around the divided island of Cyprus with a team of young Cypriots from both sides. For nearly fifty years, such a journey has been impossible due to the island’s complex political landscape. With a vision to bring young people together through sport and the Olympic Values, Sophia puts together a team of young Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots to take on this historic challenge together. Her initiative aims to challenge perceptions, empower youth, and inspire a new generation to bridge the divide and build connections through the power of sport.

Featuring: Sophia Papamichalopoulos OLY, Christopher Papamichalopoulos OLY, Erem Hidiroglu, Gözde Akyel, Koulia Patsalidou, Luana Liassi, Melek Kaptanoglu, Nilhan Uzman, Andrianos Charalambous, Berke Dagli, Giannis Minas, Gürdal Safel, Paris Zingis, Cemre Ipciler, Michael Donahue, and many more.

How it all started

Sophia Papamichalopoulos OLY is an Olympic alpine skier who competed at the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games together with her brother, and was Cyprus’ flagbearer during the closing ceremony. She is a medical doctor and surgical resident, yet remains engaged in sports and the Olympic Movement, serving as a member on a number of commissions, including the IOC and World Sailing Medical Commissions. As an IOC Young Leader, she focuses on using sport, specifically sailing, as a catalyst for peace, inspired by her conflict affected homeland. Her belief in sport’s transformative power led to “Winds of Change,” a sailing programme bringing together youth from the two divided communities in Cyprus. This initiative has achieved the feat of circumnavigating Cyprus for the first time in fifty years. A documentary film showcasing this historic journey aims to inspire young people worldwide to promote peace through sport.





The first circumnavigation of Cyprus in 50 years

around cyprus

Coming Soon


“Winds of Change is mind opening and offers a life-changing experience. If you believe that you want to achieve something big but you feel like you are alone then here you will find the right people. “

“Winds of Change has motivated and empowered me in many aspects of life. I am convinced that we need more initiatives like Winds of Change to promote peace in alternative ways and I am committed to supporting them.”

“Winds of Change programme can change stereotypes, empower and inspire people. Moreover, it shows that through sport you have the power to achieve anything, you can even change the world, you simply need to believe in it.”

Winds of Change Crew

Christopher Papamichalopoulos OLY
Olympic athlete, sport scientist and kinesiologist

Dr. Sophia Papamichalopoulos OLY
Olympic athlete, medical doctor

Gözde Akyel
Science teacher

Paris Zingis
International relations student

Melek Kaptanoglu
Anthropology PhD student

Giannis Minas
Financial and operations manager

Luana Liassi
Kitesurfing athlete, photographer, sales manager

Koulia Patsalidou
Windsurfing athlete, chemical engineering student

Gürdal Safel
Data science student

Andrianos Charalambous
Communications specialist

Erem Hidiroglu
Physiotherapy student

Nilhan Uzman
Sport pharmacist

We would love to collaborate
and inspire young people through sport and our unique story. Let’s talk!

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